Understand your business and how to add value

Our team’s consulting expertise extends from the technical to the practical to the strategic, encompassing every operational facet and business discipline within the mining value chain. Our core consulting services incorporate the cornerstone activities in your mining business. Here’s just a few of the solutions we provide to clients around the world.

Resource-Related Activities
Variability Studies
Operational Performance Assessments and Improvement
Geometallurgical Consulting

Our solutions are developed to meet your needs. SD2’s unique problem solving approach makes sure you get meaningful results that directly address your business needs. In our experience there are four fundamental aspects to solving complex problems; formulating the mess, investigating, developing solutions and implementing change. Too many consulting organisations ignore the first and last steps, leaving their clients with answers to the wrong questions and no meaningful organisational change.


Formulate the Mess.

Understanding the business context and the nature of the consulting work is essential. Jumping in feet first or applying a standard approach is not likely to solve the underlying issue. Front-end loading the project with a sound scope and knowledge of the types of solutions that will result in real improvement means more successful outcomes and results that fit the business’ needs. Formulating the mess allows us to start with the end in mind – and make sure that the ‘end’ is correctly framed.


Asking questions is a core skill for a competent consultant. Without questions and an open, honest approach to discovery, the end results of the consulting assignment will not be meaningful. Too many consulting organisations rely on standard approaches and standard solutions trying to squeeze your problem into their pre-set formula. Investigating the root-causes of the problem, not just the symptoms leads to long term improvement and robust solutions. 



At SD2 we believe a solution is more than just a written report. Reports sit unread in in-boxes, at best after someone has skimmed the executive summary. Because our solutions are tailored to your specific needs we make sure the results are communicated in a clear and concise fashion. Our back-office systems include providing you with on-line access to all the information you need from the outcomes of our analysis, summary reports and recommendations, management and technical presentations for communicating to your team and your boss. We follow-up after project completion to ensure you are satisfied and that the outcomes have and continue to meed your needs.



There’s little point in knowing what to do and then never doing anything. Often implementation is the hardest step. Let’s face it, no-one likes to change, even when it’s clear that change will improve performance. This is where the previous steps in SD2’s consulting approach really start to pay off. Because the solution is engineered for your specific business requirements and we have ensured the outcome is integrated with the rest of the business, change is easier to manage and implement, or ask us and we will help with the change process too.